Monday, September 29, 2008

Preaching Peace and Nonviolence at the Auburn UUF

On Sunday, September 28th, I was invited by the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and Auburn Peace and Justice groups to offer my point of view on living a life of peace and nonviolence during the Fellowship's principal Sunday service. The picture to the right was taken after the service with the Fellowship's minister, the Rev. Diana Jordan Allende.

The AUUF has posted this sermon as a podcast and it is available for listening at It was a particular blessing to have Ruby Sales, of Spirit House in Columbus, Georgia, come to be present and then to have her share a response (part of the UUF tradition) after, and offered as part of, the sermon.

So, for those who might be curious as to what I might have to say to an entirely 'friendly' audience, I thought that this might be of some interest.

Love and prayers, Steve